Wednesday, April 8, 2009 @ 8:40 PM
I'm getting weaker and weaker day by day...And i don't noe why.
School today was boring!
First lesson: History - it extremely boring!
Second lesson: English - ms intan made us do a comprehension abt AIDS, i wonder why she liked AIDS so much...!
Third lesson: Maths - Yes, another boring lesson by Mr lee, though I'm catching all his teaching better.
Fourth lesson: Mother tongue - Hmm, i actually have nothing to talk about this.
Fifth lesson: Science - Study, study and study!
And lastly the assembly, it was somehow interesting to me -.-''. Dam funny sia
After school, immediately went back home and had a bath. Prepared my rugby kit and head off to school. Rugby was rather bored today. And I had no mood for the training... All we did was drills, stretching and some skill moves. OK, it was quite fun actually. It was me that had no enthusiasm.
Thts all i have to write. Hehs =)