Wednesday, April 22, 2009 @ 9:15 PM
Tired dehhh! walking like this forever will tire me...! Painpainpain, so limplimplimp.
Aidil and Matin kept teasing me -__-'' Just because of my limping, im knowing as the limping boy! Great. They also pretended to limp infront of me as though they are injured. Wth...aku tawu lah aku jalan mcm cacat. Ader jugak lagi bdk2 yang kurang aj mentang2 aku sakit. Saper je lah ekh nabila? Haha siak! K, as for school. Nothing much happened. But my class had to stayed back thanks to the 2 bitch. Gerek!
After school, went back home to take the rugby kit and returned back to school. 10 minutes of training, could not bear any longer. Too painful, so decided to stopped and watched the rest suffering during training. Aiyerr, exhausted man.
Now, chatting with Izzul. Haha, budak tu lame siak...!