Saturday, January 31, 2009 @ 7:48 PM
Wow! Nvr thought that today would had been fun! xD
Hahas, Me, my bro and Aidil went to the library to do homework. Actually, there should be 4 of us, Syafiq johari. But, He was 2 hours late, Aidil pun mengamuk, dier maki Syafiq, syafiq pun belah! Hahs! Kesian,kesian. So, me and Aidil did our maths hw together while my lil bro study by himself. Ish3. Tak sampai 1 page pun, Aidil dah tak leh tahan, dah boring sngt. Kiter pun gi mcdonald, makan then we go arcade. Main punye lah lame, tapi belajar sikit jer! Haiz.
Then, decided to go home. Kat bus interchange, chillz chilz abeh ternampak Shekyn! Punyer lah terperanjat biler dier teguh! Lepas tu, nampak satu penjual ni. He was selling some sort of ' Magic Toy'. He demonstrated to us, Nampak btok btol magic siakkkz. So we bought it, then he explain how it works, WDF. He scammed Us!!!!!! It uses transparent string, wanted refund but cannot. Really cant take, we idiot sec 2 express students was fooled! OMG right? Kays, the finally went home.....
Thursday, January 29, 2009 @ 9:43 PM
OK! 2day, hmm? How to start?
Arh, no nid to talk abt school! Too boring.
Actually nth to talk about! Im just posting for the sake of posting.
Nabila! understand what ure feeling, relax....
Wednesday, January 28, 2009 @ 10:11 PM
.....Today, nothing special, went to skool like normal. Anyways, still feeling awkward to approache and talk to her. BUT! Tmr's going to be diff!
K back to the school story, went to skool normally, study, study,study and after school, still got enrichment for public? or oral speaking? Though, it was quite fun. Then, after tht, went gek poh with PONYO and MUFFIN! Hahas! Went there to just chillz and chat, and finally went back home.
Actually, i have nothing to write, just ignore this post.....
Fun In The Islands! Sad In The Heart!
Monday, January 26, 2009 @ 10:11 PM
OK! Ready to hear abt my adventure?!
Firstly, nidda wake up as early as 6, quickly get ready and headed to Marina bay( not exactly there) but its around there where theres the dock. Gather at there and waited for all cousins to arrive. Then had breakfast around the restaurant nearby and took off with a ferry at around 8.
The ride was quite enjoyable as it was onli my 4th time taking a ferry. We then reached ST JOHN island and walk, round and round around the island to find the perfect spot. Then, we played captain ball, splashed in the water, played with water balloons, touch rugby and also created the biggest sandcastle we could ever created. I oso made my own small sandcastle and wrote NA. ( To Her: You might noe wht it means xD) Ouh yah! We also did some snorkling, i stayed in the water tooooooooooo long until I got a fever. Stupid me! Exhausted, we decided to have a shower and changed up and went to another island...... Pulau kusu by taking another ferry.
We did some sight-seeing and visited a tortoise sanctuary. Omg, i saw a huge tortoise. After tht, we went to the 'Keramat'. Its a malay shrine. I cant belive tht we need to climb up a 152-steps staircase to reach there. ( Of cuz to Ajmal its no big deal) LOLZ! Ok, Perasaan too much. And also kept missing her... I need to see some pictures of her everytime i miss her.....
Thts all for the adventure, we all went back to the dock and took a ferry and went back to the SG mainland.
Saturday, January 24, 2009 @ 8:45 PM
Haiz, today was fun and busy, but too busy tht I cannot chat with her...
Todae, woke up at 8, help my mother to cook and clean the house.
at around 11, my cousins and relatives started coming for my sisters engagement.
Woah my house was loaded with ppl. While waiting for my sister's fiancee's side to arrive, My sisters and bothers played guitar hero with my cousins. Dam tht was awesome.
Once they arrived, everyone gathered at the hall. Then blah blah blah, they went home and finally I had time to talk to her! Now, need to clean up the house after the engagement and tomorrow Im going to my other house in malaysia.
To her: Im gonna be missing you for 3 days? (3 days I think) and take care!
Friday, January 23, 2009 @ 8:13 PM
So, Today was hilarious! But I'll talk about school first.
Day got started with PE and we learnt how to run? Haha! After tht, got History, Boring!! But the last lesson was awesome! Home econs of 2 hours cooking! We learnt how to make pancakes and choco milk shake( dam nice! Ajmal made 1 what).
After school, me, aidil and matin went to the mosque and went to school back cuz got rugby. Was expecting her to still be at school but shes at home......
Well, as I said, today was funny beacuse, during rugby, one of the sec 1 student kicked the rugby ball straight up and hit his head, then it bounces to another sec 1 until almost 5 ppl got hit! Hahahaha! xD. Another thing was that, when going home after rugby, i stepped on a puddle of water and almost slipped. But managed to stopped myself from falling. While looking behind at the puddle back, felt relieved for not falling but suddenly, i bumped my head into a wall i knocked to. Unlucky man!
Then, finally reached home, still thinking abt her....
Thursday, January 22, 2009 @ 6:16 PM
Woooh! Its been like How many months? Well, quite a number of months....
Soo, Todae was the happiieesstt day of my life. No nid to tok abt it.
Talking about juz now at skool, firstly starting of the day was quite fun, got Maths ACE learning but ending of the day was horrible! Got a science test, Although it was freaking easy...Wanted to stay back to watch the B division rugby match but decided to go home in the end.
Reached home, and, and, and, and, my happiest moment took place.